Category: HTML


HOW TO: Set up a Custom Domain on Blogger

When you buy a domain, you can personalize your blog’s website address. Step 1: Buy a domain Step 2: Set up your domain with your blog Sign in to Blogger. Select the blog you...

5 Essential CSS3 effects 0

5 Essential CSS3 effects

Discover the CSS3 techniques needed to recreate visual tricks that were once the domain of Photoshop, like: – Rounded Corners on Boxes – Drop shadows on text – Box shadows and glow effects –...

14 Slide Scripts Effect Web Designs 0

14 Slide Scripts Effect Web Designs

I love sliding effect. There are so many web sites that have dynamic animated sliding effect as if the site is created by flash. For this post, you’ll see 14 Scripts to create a...

A simple HTML Redirect Script 0

A simple HTML Redirect Script

<html><head> <meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”0; url=”> </head><body> <p>Please follow <a href=””>link</a>!</p> </body></html>