Category: Trik

How to Reset Mikrotik RB750 0

How to Reset Mikrotik RB750

The solution for me on the RB750 was to hold in the reset button while cycling the power… //Bahasa Indonesia Caranya dengan menekan tombol reset pada saat akan MENGHIDUPKAN listriknya.

Ubuntu Installation eRRoR

Ubuntu Installation eRRoR

Got error during the “Configuring the Apt – 43% scanning the mirror”. There’s a quick fix to this issue, disable your network devices and it will time out within 30secounds and proceed with the...

ConfigServer Firewall (csf)

ConfigServer Firewall (csf)

We have developed an SPI iptables firewall that is straight-forward, easy and flexible to configure and secure with extra checks to ensure smooth operation. It is preconfigured to work on a cPanel server with...

Stop PHP Nobody Spammer

Stop PHP Nobody Spammer

PHP and Apache has a history of not being able to track which users are sending out mail through the PHP mail function from the nobody user causing leaks in formmail scripts and malicious...