Category: Website


How To Get YouTube Thumbnail Images

There are a few different ways that you can get thumbnails from a YouTube video, one of which is to use YouTube’s Video API to extract the thumbnail. YouTube API responses may contain multiple...

Basic Guide to Google Apps DNS Settings 0

Basic Guide to Google Apps DNS Settings

This guide is a list of common terms you may encounter when managing the DNS settings of your domain. Click a term below to jump to the description of the term and its practical use with...

5 Essential CSS3 effects 0

5 Essential CSS3 effects

Discover the CSS3 techniques needed to recreate visual tricks that were once the domain of Photoshop, like: – Rounded Corners on Boxes – Drop shadows on text – Box shadows and glow effects –...

Create Expandable Flash Banner 0

Create Expandable Flash Banner

First, You can use a transparent swf that on expand calls a javascript that rewrites the containing div properties e.g in actionscript

Wartawan Ikut Pelatihan “Ngeblog”

Wartawan Ikut Pelatihan “Ngeblog”

* Aceh Blogger Goes to School BANDA ACEH – Sejumlah wartawan mengikuti pelatihan blogging gratis. Kegiatan itu diselenggarakan di Laboraturium Komputer Fakultas Ekonomi (FE) Unsyiah, Darussalam, Sabtu (15/11). Pelatihan ini difasilitasi Information Technology Community...