Category: Linux

How To Create An Ubuntu Repository Mirror on Ubuntu 8.04 0

How To Create An Ubuntu Repository Mirror on Ubuntu 8.04

I was discussing the creation and maintenance of an Ubuntu repository mirror in IRC today and realized that I haven’t blogged about how to do that. Its funny sometimes how topics pop up, and...

Ubuntu Installation eRRoR

Ubuntu Installation eRRoR

Got error during the “Configuring the Apt – 43% scanning the mirror”. There’s a quick fix to this issue, disable your network devices and it will time out within 30secounds and proceed with the...

ConfigServer Firewall (csf)

ConfigServer Firewall (csf)

We have developed an SPI iptables firewall that is straight-forward, easy and flexible to configure and secure with extra checks to ensure smooth operation. It is preconfigured to work on a cPanel server with...

Ubuntu Counter

Ubuntu Counter

The Ubuntu Counter Project is like a miniature version of The Linux Counter. It aims to catalogue the number of registered machines using the numerous varients of the Ubuntu Linux distribution. Why? Because, quite...

Preventing Spam with Antivirus.exim

Preventing Spam with Antivirus.exim

Cpanel servers have a nice little file called antivirus.exim. Most of you probably have never of this magic little gem. It’s a central filter for the exim mail server that lets you setup all...

Stop PHP Nobody Spammer

Stop PHP Nobody Spammer

PHP and Apache has a history of not being able to track which users are sending out mail through the PHP mail function from the nobody user causing leaks in formmail scripts and malicious...

Howto Find Phishing

Howto Find Phishing

057I Message-Id: <> cat /var/log/exim_mainlog |grep E1EoTZ1-0001Xj-39

Instal MRTG for RHE & cPanel 0

Instal MRTG for RHE & cPanel

The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a tool to monitor the traffic load on network-links. MRTG generates HTML pages containing graphical images which provide a LIVE visual representation of this traffic. MRTG is...