Category: Trik

Howto Find Phishing

Howto Find Phishing

057I Message-Id: <> cat /var/log/exim_mainlog |grep E1EoTZ1-0001Xj-39

WordPress Template Hierarchy

WordPress Template Hierarchy

WordPress Templates fit together like the pieces of a puzzle to generate the web pages on your WordPress site. Some templates (the header and footer template files for example) are used on all the...

Setting Point to Point Link Connection pada Mikrotik

Setting Point to Point Link Connection pada Mikrotik

Point-to-point telecommunications generally refers to a connection restricted to two endpoints, usually host computers. Point-to-point is sometimes referred to as P2P, or Pt2Pt, or variations of this. Among other things, P2P also refers to...

How to change SMF themes?

How to change SMF themes?

At the official website of SMF, there could be found a lot of Themes for your forum. Just visit the SMF Themes area and choose the one you like most. Once you’re logged in...

Search for Install Packages at Ubuntu

Search for Install Packages at Ubuntu

When you are trying to install software on Ubuntu or Debian linux using the apt-get package system, quite often you’ll forget the exact name of the package you are trying to install. Here’s how...

Edit Mirror Repository

Edit Mirror Repository

Demi penghematan bandwidth (baca: koneksi yang lemot), jadi bisa diakalin dengan merubah mirror repos ke mirror local (terdekat). Untuk mengubahnya cukup dengan mengedit : # vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

Redirect from to 0

Redirect from to

Keren juga fasilitas yang diberikan oleh Blogspot memberikan fasilitas redirect ke custom domain yang kita miliki. Beda dengan biasanya yang hanya bisa di redirect ke tanpa sebaliknya. Caranya :